A merry Christmas depends on how many take the third vaccine, the rector of Semmelweis University said.
Béla Merkely added:
the effect of the third vaccination develops in two weeks, so “those families can sit at the family table where everyone took the third vaccination two weeks before Christmas”.
He emphasized that most third vaccinations were given in Hungary in the European Union. By way of comparison, he cited Israel as an example, where the fourth wave began in June, culminating in September and then calming down. According to Béla Merkely, the solution was the third vaccination, which was given to 45 percent of the population. From this, it can be concluded that this value must be achieved in our country as well so that families can get together and celebrate in peace at Christmas.
The example of Israel was also cited by the rector because there, too, the population was vaccinated with more than 60 percent with two doses, but this is compounded by the 45 percent vaccination with the third dose. He mentioned the European countries, where in many cases they reached 80-85 percent with two doses, yet the daily infection rate is high. According to the rector, all this can be explained by the fact that the first two doses have an effect on the severe course of the disease, mortality, while the third dose has a significant effect on the spread of the epidemic.
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The current situation in Europe shows that the delta variant has re-infected Europe and has been given to those who have already been vaccinated twice, as a result of which they have been involved in the epidemic and maintained it, he said.
Assessing the vaccination week as successful, he said he hoped vaccination without registration would be popular, a lot of work was done on it to not only increase the number of vaccination points but also make it easier to participate. As an example, he mentioned that the time available for vaccination was also extended from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. so that anyone could find a suitable time.
Semmelweis University operates 26 vaccination sites at four vaccination points: the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine in Városmajor, No. I. At the Pediatric Clinic in Bókay János Street, in the central external clinical block of the university, and at St. Roch’s Hospital.
In the context of extending the vaccination week to next week, he said it was important to adapt resources to suit needs, so if more staff were needed, they would be organized as well.
He explained that the university has so far given 460,000 vaccinations, and with the vaccination action week and its extension, the number of vaccinations they will give will exceed 800,000.
He said that the proportions of the vaccination action week are the same nationwide,
most report 85 percent for the third vaccine, 10 percent for the first vaccine, and 5 percent for the second.
According to Béla Merkely, the most important thing is that no one should trust their immune system, even if the best immune system develops, a cytokine storm can develop, and a young person in his twenties and sportsmanship can be put on a ventilator near death ”. He added that this is now a situation where “at least three vaccinations are needed”.
In the context of the omicron mutant discovered in southern Africa, he said:
“Everything is conceivable, it’s a thousand-faced virus, but I don’t think it’s likely to generate an immediate huge fifth wave.”
He reiterated that the primary immunization is associated with a severe course of the disease, the third vaccination is associated with the spread of the epidemic, so if these two parameters are high in the country, this mutant “will not cause a significant problem”. But in countries with low vaccination rates and no third vaccination, it could be a problem, he added.
Looking to the future, he said, after an indeterminate time, the virus will tame, but that will be a consequence of vaccination. Those who do not get vaccinated get the disease, which “comes at a high price because if someone gets this virus infection unvaccinated, their life is in much greater danger than if they got it after two or three vaccinations,” the expert said.