Orange Suzuki: hit-and-run driver


The driver hit a cyclist and left him on Nagyerdei Boulevard, on 5 July around 18.15pm.The police are looking for an orange Suzuki with a number plate containing the letters LC.

The car proceeded from the direction of the Egyetem Square towards Füredi Street when it hit a cyclist, an Iranian citizen. The cyclist fell and suffered injuries requiring more than 8 days of healing. The unknown driver drove off without stopping and without giving any help to the victim.

The police are looking for the driver for the clarification of the circumstances of the accident, as well as witnesses. If you happen to have information about the accident or about the driver you can report it at the police station (Debreceni Rendőrkapitányság Közlekedésrendészeti Osztály, Budai Ézsaiás Street, 4th building, ground floor 1.) during work time or on phone at any time (516-400 extension: 22-17) or on toll-free emergency numbers 107 or 112. Identity of the reporters will be kept confidential.

According to the Criminal Code if a person does not give assistance to another person whose life or physical integrity is in danger commits a misdemeanour and can be sentenced to an imprisonment of two years.



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